The engineering brain behind mini ICUs for coronavirus patients.

3 min


Say Hello to, Aardra Kannan Ambili the co-founder and CTO of AI startup RIoT.

As the pandemic affected our whole world. 

*Everyone tries to save their family. 

*Realise Health is Wealth.

But Aardra thought of it differently, Her AI startup RIoT brings out the high accuracy respiratory monitoring system using AI( Artificial Intelligence). They build mini ICU for coronavirus patients because it is non-contact, wifi-enabled and monitors the rate of respiration using AI.

We can say she is an engineer by heart and also by blood. 

Yeah, her parents are engineers and started Mediatronics, a software company in Trivandrum while she was young. So she is a techie who was always eager to learn more. After graduation, her main intention was to become a part of innovation which helps others.

Right now! We know her dream comes true.

Wearable gadgets for women security? Heard of it? 

Of course, you do. One of the inventions from Aradi to help women which alerts the authorities in terms of danger. Later she also invented a device to monitor an epilepsy patient’s attacks and created algorithms that were used by political psychologists.

She is full of surprises.

Want to know how she does this all?

Her way of working and all are simple but the mindset is what makes her different from others. Somehow everyone will fail in life, Even Aardra failed. But she is like a phoenix, raised from the ashes. The way she approaches a particular problem and solves it.  She still looks for it even today while hiring new techies for her firm. She states how she look at techies about how excited they are about problem-solving and how they are approaching a problem for solving. We all have a childhood dream which motivates us to go for an extra mile to achieve it. Few people work for it, others will quit as losers.

Sanchi Poovaya, Ranjana Nair, and Aardra Kannan Ambili

But Aardra was different, her childhood dream was to become an AI Researcher. As she is a quick learner, by attending many programmes about AI. She realised AI will be the future.

In 2011 she applied for a programme in AI at the University of Georgia.

At the same time, IBM had released Watson and a computer that could answer Natural Language questions for the first time. After a few months, By using AI the Mars Rover landed on the red planet. This made her think the need for AI increased. Later she tries to figure out the problems and pain points faced by all, then looks for solutions by using AI. Then after starting up RIoT. They focused on health monitoring, Especially respiratory monitoring.

Raybaby, First product of RIoT's, the first-ever possible product for non-contact sleep and respiratory monitor. This product won several awards from CES and ABC Kids Expo.

Then their second product is RayIoT, our mini ICU for corona patients. Which already crossed $ 1.5 million in 2018 and gone for the next raising. RayIoT is recommended by SOSV, Anthill Ventures, Madison Ventures, and HCG Hospitals. 

Aardra is a role model for many those who want to become an entrepreneur and a good human being.

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